
Social Media in Huntsville #SoMeT13US

By MarkBurhop




Huntsville, Alabama is hosting a social media tourism symposium this week.When the Huntsville convention and visitors bureau asked if we could help with a center piece, we knew some of our students at the Huntsville center of Technology  had created some nice space lander models (we would have done the Greenpower Car but that wouldn’t have left room on the table to eat :-)). All these designs were created withSolid Edge software which is developed in Huntsville as well. 

Since these are social media people, we included some QR codes and NFC chips with the display. They point to this blog post.If you here in Huntsville visiting, welcome! We hope you enjoy our city.

What do people make with Siemens PLM software?A picture is worth 1000 words. Take a look as some of these images:

While this is expensive software used by engineers and designers for all types of engineering work the important point today is that it is FREE to students and educators.

If you know a student that might be interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, here is the URL to download it:

Personally, I recommend installing it on the laptop for that next family vacation. You may come home with a future engineer or rocket scientist.

P.S.Here are a few social media places we hang out if you feel like talking.

Web sites


@SiemensPLM  The company!

@SusanCinadr Director of Social Media

@burhop   Solid Edge enthusiast living in Huntsville


Siemens PLM Community






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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at