
Simulating learning curve with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

By abhidastidar

One of my favorite excuses to justify a poor performance is by saying, “Well…I’m still in a learning curve.” Smiley Happy

Nevertheless, as you know learning curve does exist, and it is a key metric for industrial engineers for predicting production throughput and capacity requirements. In LearningCurveessence, engineers have to consider the fact that with experience workers can process more units per period, and they want to use this information while designing assembly lines.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation allows you to verify digitally if production rates are achievable and sufficient resources are available to support the production rates.

In this video, you will learn how Plant Simulation can show the effects of learning curves in analyzing production throughput. The best thing is that Plant Simulation provides you the freedom to define your own learning curve equation from your empirical data. You can specify different learning curve for different operations to get a realistic representation of your assembly processes.

You can try Plant Simulation free for 30 days and explore its capabilities.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at