
Regional Users Meeting – San Jose California

Have you attended a Siemens PLM Users group meeting in the past? Are you aware of the annual conference and that there are users group meetings held regionally throughout the year? If not, you should.

I have just returned from the Northern California Regional Users group meeting, which was held in San Jose California.  This event provided a forum for users to hear the latest about the Siemens PLM family of products.  More importantly, this event helped Northern California users network with other users to share experiences and new ideas.

There were 2 keynote sessions.  First John R. Baker, reviewed what’s new in NX7, and gave us a preview of some of the many things coming in the next release of NX.


(I apologize for the poor picture quality, I forgot to bring my camera, so these were taken with my camera Phone )

Next up was Dave McLaughlin, who provided us with an update to Teamcenter 8.


In the afternoon, there were six different break-out sessions;

NX CAE Update

Marilyn Tomlin

NX7; HD3D & Synchronous Technology

Jerry Sarfati

Managing Electronics; MCAD, ECAD, & Software

Krish Krishnamurthy

Motion Control; Overview of Siemens Controllers

Daniel Martinez

Tecnomatix; Part Assembly/Planning & Simulation

Sean Bradley

NX PMI – The shift from paper to electronic

Dave Wingrave

I’d like to thank everyone (Dave, Lorena, and many others) that helped put on this event. I was very impressed with the cooperative nature of the attendees. Everyone wanted to learn and share and it appeared that all would walk away with new ideas for making their environments more productive.

The next time you hear about a local users meeting – do your best to attend. You will learn something, you will make new contacts, and even more importantly – you might just help a fellow colleague.


Jerry Sarfati

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at