
Meet University of São Paulo Future Engineers and PACE Team 2’s CubO

Tatiana Theoto and Elcio Fiordelisio are future engineers at the University of São Paulo. They attended the PACE Annual Forum for the Personal Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD) competition – and described their experience as “mind blowing”. Their school was part of PAMD Team 2 along with the Art Center College of Design, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Jilin University, Hochschule RheinMain and New Mexico State University.

The team called its PAMD CubO and said it was designed “out of the box”. The device literally folded out of a software for students

engineering software for students

One of the lessons learned Tatiana and Elcio shared with me was how much this real-world competition challenged them to accept different ways of thinking and realizing when your own idea may not be the best for the product and the team. If you know Spanish,learn more in their PACE – Escola Politécnica da USP blog.

The team used Tecnomatix Jack for human engineering simulation. Their report noted:

“Jack enables analysis aimed to improve the safety, efficiency, and comfort of the user of the product, and additionally includes important parameters pertaining to injury risk, user comfort, reachability, and fatigue.”

engineering software for students, Jack software

The human engineering tests included a quality function deployment matrix and handlebar testing. Team 2’s test drive had a crash out of the starting line so simulation of driving conditions will likely be added in the future ;-).

I’ll leave you with the original teaser video for the cubo:

To meet more students and future engineers, read more PACE stories.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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