
Meet New Engineer Orlando Velez and PACE Team 6’s Weave

As Team 6 presented their Personal Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD) at the PACE Annual Forum, lead industrial designer Dominic Dowling called out team captain Orlando Velez.

He noted how great it was to collaborate with Orlando as students and how he looked forward to working together at General Motors. Both students had internships and now job opportunities at GM.

PACE Team 6 included students from University of Puerto Rico, SKKU, Iberoamericana of Mexico, Korea University, Monash University and the College of Creative Studies.

Most PACE student engineers get experience with our NX and Teamcenter software for their projects. Orlando got additional experience as part of his GM internship. His internship was at the Milford proving grounds where he also got training an experience in our LMS noise vibration and harshness (NVH) software. Learn more in my interview with Orlando.

Dominic and Orlando along with their teammates designed and manufactured the Weave. Here it is during the test drive of the PAMD competition. (That’s our Bill Boswell in the background – one of the PAMD judges.)

engineering software for students

Here is a view of the Weave in real-life next to the original CAD model:

CAD for students

The Weave was designed for the Shanghai market, where only 25 percent of the population can fit on public transportation. With just one car for every 5.5 people, bicycles are heavily used – accounting for about half of all trips taken. The Weave has a 36 volt battery, acceleration of 1.89 meters per second – with a total velocity of 4.5 meters per second.

See the Weave in action during the test drive of PAMD competition:

Team 6 wanted to bridge the gap between skateboards and electric bikes. They chose rear wheel drive vs. front for uniform velocity. They had an innovative solution in case the batteries die – a mechanical drive train that can be pedaled to the nearest charging station.

Good luck to Dominic and Orlando on their new ventures at GM.

Read more PACE stories.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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