
Medicine for your IT Migraine – Teamcenter now on IBM PureSystems

Guest blog post by Dave Mitchell
CTO, Teamcenter product development

IBM’s infographic above notes on average more than 70 percent of IT budgets are maintenance focused. This is something I frequently hear from customers. It can make innovation tough.

It’s why we work with partners like IBM. Maybe you saw IBM’s recent announcement on its new product family called PureSystems. They provide what the industry is now calling “expert integrated systems.” They integrate general-purpose system flexibility and cloud elasticity with appliance simplicity tuned to workload. It’s a pretty compelling combination.

Teamcenter now runs on IBM PureSystems – specifically IBM PureFlex – which provides a private infrastructure as a service (IaaS) foundation that can be deployed outside or inside a company’s firewall.

This can help our customers accelerate private IT deployments, optimize IT utilization, streamline administration and ensure mission-critical reliability. IBM PureSystems capabilities provide an elastic environment that enables organizations to more easily expand or contract their Teamcenter deployments.

We’re also working on introducing support for the IBM PureApplication component of IBM PureSystems. We’ll let you know when it’s ready.

You can check out more on PureSystems on the IBM PureSystems web site. We think it will dramatically reduce IT headaches. Take two and call us in the morning ;-). Seriously, let me know if I can answer any questions about Teamcenter on IBM’s latest technology.

SPLM Software

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