
Interviews with ATK at PLM Connection 2011

Following is a guest post from Pat Farrell of the NX for Simulation team.

Last week, Ramesh Krishnan, an engineer at ATK Aerospace Systems’ CAE Tools and Processes group, gave a presentation on hexahedral meshing methods used by ATK engineers.  During the presentation, Ramesh also discussed the responsive relationship ATK has had with the Siemens PLM CAE development team.  I had a chance to catch up with Ramesh to learn more about how ATK is using NX CAE and ATK’s relationship with Siemens PLM.

ATK Aerospace Systems recently started a pilot project around implementing Teamcenter Simulation Process Management to manage their CAE and analysis data better.  Nathan Christensen, Manager for Engineering Tools and Analysis Group at ATK is one of the leaders for this pilot project, and I also had a chance to speak with Nathanto learn how the pilot project is progressing.


Jerry Sarfati

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