
Inspiring Future Engineers With Greenpower

One of the interesting STEM projects we’re involved with is Greenpower. It is a design-make-race challenge to encourage students of all ages to consider a STEM career.

It is a compelling challenge for a number of reasons. One it links education with industry through real-world design-build projects. Two it spans all levels of academia from primary grades to university. Third it is focused on green technology through electric vehicles to develop future engineers with a sustainability focus.

At Solid Edge University, I talked with Mike Brown to get a little more detail on how Solid Edge is a part of the project. Mike points out that the young folks involved with these programs are engineers:

“These kids actually push the technology. They’re trying to squeeze every single increase of speed.”

Mike also points out:
“You’re not speaking to a student. You’re actually speaking to an engineer. Smaller and younger but an engineer.”

For more, check out images from the most recent Greenpower challenge at Silverstone and watch this overview video

You can learn more about our STEM initiatives. Stay tuned – I have a few more interviews to share soon on a USA entry into Greenpower.

–        Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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