
Innovation Leadership Summit


I’m attending our Innovation Leadership Summit in Scottsdale, AZ, today and tomorrow. Attendees are executives from some of our enterprise customers. They’re here to hear and share best practices on PLM implementations and achieving product success in today’s economy.

WindowsLiveWriterInnovationLeadershipSummit_A641ILS_industry_signs_2_thumb WindowsLiveWriterInnovationLeadershipSummit_A641ILS_industry_signs_thumb

They represent nearly every industry we support. I’m interviewing some of the speakers and attendees and will share more with you shortly. The event’s signage notes “new rules, tough questions, straight answers.” So if you have questions you’d like me to get answers to, just leave a comment.


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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