
IDC Analyst Chris Holmes Shares Insights from Siemens PLM Analyst Event

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I caught up with Chris Holmes, head of Asia Pacific IDC Insights, at our analyst event. He’s done some interesting research recently on Big Data & Analytics – Core to Next-Gen Manufacturing. It notes one of the top three IT challenges as “deciding what data is relevant.” It’s why one of our three pillars of HD-PLM is intelligently integrating information to deliver the right information to the right people.

See what Chris found interesting at the Siemens PLM Analyst Event in this video interview:

For more from IDC, check out their latest research. If you like infographics, then you might be interested in their Leveraging PLM to Drive Grown infographic.

View more blog posts from this event.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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