Hannover Fair: Pictures
As mentioned in my previous blog post about Hannover Fair here are some interesting pictures from the fair.
The first one is from the introduction video for the Virtual Commissioning showcase which we run every hour. Take a closer look and you will realize the move from virtual too real in the picture.
The next one is from the workflow we showed at the main Siemens booth. NX is used to design the part. In our case we use a die for a press line. To define the machining strategy for this die we use NX CAM. In order to validate the machining strategy a 3D-Model of the GROB-machine, the 3D CAD part, the NC code and the virtual SINUMERIK controller are combined into a virtual machine. The validated NC Code is transferred to the machine, equipped with the SINUMERIK 840 d controller.
As the die is ready, it will be simulated inside of a virtual press line. The Press Line Simulation solution from Tecnomatix together with the SIMOTION controller allows for shortened try-out time, reduction of tooling design costs and increased stroke rate – finally optimizing the press line.
This picture shows visitors and customers discussing the solutions from Siemens PLM Software.
There are several other înteresting pictures available on Flickr.