
Free NX and Solid Edge CAD Models for Students

The most successful graduates are those that participate in real-world projects, competitions or internships in school. It’s why we’re committed to programs like PACE, EcoCAR and Greenpower.

EcoCAR students get to work with the actual NX model of the Chevrolet Camaro. It doesn’t get more real-world than that. PACE students got to test their Personal Assisted Mobility Devices on a track with speed bumps, cobble stones and intermittent pouring rain in Turin, Italy, this summer. Greenpower students race electric vehicles on the famous Goodwood race course.

Student engineers – whether you’re involved with large competitions – or just working on a regular CAD classroom project, we want you to be able to access and work with real-world parts. In case you missed it, last year we announced an extended partnership with CADENAS to provide more real-world parts to students and educators.

What is great about our partnership with CADENAS is that students can get real-world experience with parts from more than 600 major manufacturers. They’ve added more than 200 manufacturer libraries since we made the announcement.

CADENAS PARTcommunity for academia provides CAD geometry in native NX and Solid Edge formats with a ton of data including kinematics, collision, material, texture and weight:

cad parts catalog

So while in school, you can learn to leverage standard parts to reduce design time that could save future employers money. That amount of data is valuable – but only if you can find the part quickly. So CADENAS’ PARTSolutions has a very dynamic search engine with more than 20 different search functions including topology and sketch.

parts library

Check out – and download – some of the most popular parts:

cad for students


All those parts might inspire you to check out the Engineering Newcomer Challenge CADENAS held over the summer. See the designs voted best in class. Learn more about the competitors and their designs on the CADENAS community.

I want to thank CADENAS for providing free PARTSolutions access to our academic partners. The CADENAS academic portal supports all of the 3D data formats relevant to the global manufacturing industry, including our favorites – NX software, Solid Edge software and the JT data format. For more information visit,

Let me know what parts you find most valuable to your next project.

– Dora


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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