
PLM Connection: KeyOx ID & Mechanical Design



KeyOx is an ID and mechanical design company based in Gillonay, France. Paul Laurens is one the founders and presented this morning on how they use NX from initial product concepts through final documentation.

Paul shared two different customer projects, both of which included complex mechanical design and integrated electronic design. He noted focus on helping their customers simplify the customization of a product design. Here is a video of Paul sharing a bit about how they approach industrial and mechanical design as well as why they use NX throughout the process.

Paul also provided me his slides. But with so many beautifully rendered ID images, they are still loading to SlideShare – so I’ll have to share them later.

In his presentation, Paul talked about their use of both NX’s hybrid modeling and synchronous technology. Paul shared that they use NX Nastran for simulation. He does simulations in “just five minutes” for what he called “rapid concept proofing.” They also use XPresReview with embedded drawings for design reviews with customers.

Paul was very complimentary of NX and afterwards shared with me that the reason is he’s used other tools in the past that limited their options. He likes that he does not need to focus on what NX can or can’t do because he knows it can do any job. Paul also noted that NX’s ability to maintain cross-discipline design intent is key to that.

You can see more about KeyOx in this case study.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at