
NX CAE Symposium – Final Sessions

Following is Marks last post from the NX CAE Symposium


After lunch on Day 2, we all returned to our seats for the afternoon presentation line-up.  Randy Huber of Caterpillar gave the attendees a spirited mini-history of Caterpillar’s products, elaborate with its various acquisitions over the years.  He went on to illustrate Caterpillar’s long legacy, and continued heavy dependence on CAE methodologies for swift, robust product development.  My favorite of the numerous examples shared, was the animated result from motion analysis of a wheel loader in action [Pictured below].


 The remainder of the afternoon featured numerous insightful presentations from key members of Siemens PLM’s CAE Center of Excellence, and CAE Product Management organizations.  Speakers included including Doug Wenk, Paul Caito, Rick Licursi, and May Taylor.

Late in the afternoon, after all the scheduled presentations had been delivered, and as organizers prepared to wrap up the event, in walked a surprise guest…..Joe Gibbs!

We were all absolutely thrilled to see the pro football hall-of-famer take to the stage to address us and even entertain a few questions.  I found Joe instantly likeable, his charisma and warmth filling the room in milliseconds.  He spoke anecdotally, drawing from both his professional wisdom, and personal life in equal amounts – punctuated frequently with humorous remarks that had the room erupting in laughter. I came away with the following interpretation of Joe’s philosophy – do what you enjoy, do it with passion, and it’s okay to try something different – just take that passion with you.

See you next year,


Jerry Sarfati

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