JTOpen TRB 2016 Spring Meeting at Gulfstream

Our meeting got off to a great start with insightful executive welcomes from Jeff Kriede of Gulfstream and Ray Kok of Siemens PLM.
This was followed by Dan Ganser (Gulfstream) who was able to stream and display an entire Gulfstream jet on Active Workspace using a smart phone as a hotspot.
Dan showing jet using smart phone as hotspot
Jeff Jensen showed us how massive models are viewed at Boeing and the importance of reviewing past best practises to reflect the current state of technology. He showed us some very impressive movies of the work done back home.
Jeff outlining processes for MMV
Henrik Nielsen not only gave us a very interesting overview of how JT is used at LEGO but he also brought gifts!
Everyone loves LEGO
Sebastian Handschuh showed us the very impressive supplier portal that Daimler uses to qualify and communicate with suppliers.
Daimler has a JT-oriented supplier portal
We learned about “JT at Honda” and Elysium’s JT Verification Tool.
Siemens closed day one with Manuel Loeffler and Andy Swiecki providing updates on the recent MRB meeting, held in Germany – hosted by Daimler. They also gave a preview of the JT International Conference which looks to be very exciting. Richard Dietz walked us through the development roadmap for the JTTK.
Manuel and Andy describing the 2016 JT International Conference
Mike Zink then follwed with an update on our standards activities. Andy and Manuel then closed day one by informing us of the new community site (where this report is posted).
The evening of day one was spent at “The Pirates’ House” where we ate and were entertained.
Day Two started with a workshop run by Jay Nungesser (Siemens) where we created PDFs from JT that drive JT2Go, the free JT viewer. Our group produced from technically rich PDFs.
Adrian Lannin from Microsoft then explained to us the workings of 3MF. It was very interesting and enabled us to consider the role of JT in both creating 3MF and in additive manufacturing. Erwin Argyle has the action item to capture the names of those JTOpen members interested in learning more and Mike Zink has the action item to establish a discussion group.
Ilan Weiter from Ford lead a discussion on JT “Master Model Concepts”. The meeting closed with at 3pm. Gulfstream very kindly arranged a tour of the G650 manufacturing facility, lead by the very passionate David Minning. It truly is a state-of-the-art facility – no drawings – with a digital twin that always reflects the plane as it takes shape.
All the presentation material is available to members at the JT Open Member Section. Click here for instructions on how to access this area.
JT Open TRB Membership touring the G650 Manufacturing Facility
Thank you to Gulfstream for being such excellent hosts.