
JT Open TRB Monthly Call

Welcome back after the long break.

Mike Zink provided an update:

  • JTOpen Toolkit is available for download

  • ISO JT Ed2 Draft International Standard ballot is compete

  • ISO JT Ed3 will be introduced as the New Work Item

  • The NEXT TC 184 / SC4 meeting is scheduled for the week of May 7 in Oslo, Norway

  • There will be a PLM JT Industry Council 90 minute round table at PLM Connections

Erwin Argyle followed up on the new meeting format where the spotlight shines on a JT Open Member and you share a use case or strategy that involves JT. We want to fill the quarterly presentation slots as soon as possible and promote the talks on this blog.

We also discussed the timing of the 2017 Fall JTOpen TRB Meeting that will take place in Europe.

The meeting closed after 35 minutes. The slide deck for the meeting has been posted to the JT Open Member area.

Erwin Argyle

Erwin has a degree in Civil and Structural Eng from the University of Manchester, UK. His specialty is geometric modelling having been on the development teams for Romulus, Parasolid and ACIS. He is currently the product manager for the Geolus Shape Search engine.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at