JT Open Program Members

Last Updated: May 23, 2024
The JT Open Program includes 4 types of members: Advocates, Corporate Members, Vendor Members and Academic Members.
If you are interested in becoming a member, check out this post about how to join: https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/jt-open/how-to-join-the-jt-open-program/

JT Open Corporate Program Members:
Corporate Members are end-user product development and manufacturing companies that use JT files as part of their product design and manufacturing processes. Through membership in the JT Open Program corporate members have influence over the JT file format innovation; assuring that it continues to meet their business needs. Membership also provides an opportunity to collaborate with other JT users to understand leading business processes enabled via JT. Finally, corporate members have access to the JT Open Toolkit, so they can develop internal use applications specific to their business processes. Corporate Members pay an annual fee based on their size.
JT Open Vendor Program Members:
Vendor Members are for-profit software development organizations that wish to JT-enable their existing and future products using the JT Open Toolkit. Through the use of the JT Open Toolkit vendors minimize development effort and guarantee 100% data compatibility. Vendor members provide the JT community with access to an extensive collection of JT compatible products.
JT Open Advocate Members:
Advocates are for-profit organizations that don’t wish to join as members but who wish to express public support and enthusiasm for the JT Open program and its benefits. They typically include hardware, software and service suppliers that want to actively support the goals of the JT Open community without directly making use of JT technology.
Adobe Alfa Laval Altair Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) GE Aviation Hewlett Packard Intel | JPL (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) LEGO Microsoft NTT DATA Orbital ATK (Northrop Grumman) SAP |
JT Open Academic Members:
Academic members include educational institutions that use the JT Open Toolkit for research and teaching purposes.