
Building an ecosystem around HLS for AI and ML designs

Excerpt from article: “Building an ecosystem around HLS for AI and ML designs

HLS has been gaining traction in AI because, for example, it abstracts design processes above RTL, allows for early power estimation and has a strong focus on the development and verification of algorithms that target common ML platforms (e.g., ASIC, FPGA, eFGPA). These have been growing in use alongside GPU and CPU as ML use-cases have come to depend on heavier processing at the edge where custom implementations help reduce power consumption.

The AI Accelerator Ecosystem leverages Siemens EDA’s experience across HLS generally and specific to AI. It comprises a toolkit that is built into Catapult and continuously updated. Some of its components are offered free to designers, and the goal is to help them get started more quickly by using modular elements and reference designs as well as broad support.

Siemens EDA director of engineering David Burnette describes the current  AI Accelerator Ecosystem in detail in the article. These are its main elements.

Read the entire article on TechDesignForums originally published on June 27th, 2019.

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