
JEC World 2017 Post Show Report

By Julianne Bass

SiemensPLMatJEC20172.jpgFACT: The process for designing and manufacturing with composite materials will never be as straightforward as that done with metals. However, if this year’s JEC World 2017 show is any indication, more companies than ever before are integrating these materials into their processes, while others work to provide leading edge technologies to bridge the gap between metallic intelligence and composite optimization. 

The value of composites is undisputed and was well represented for the aerospace and automotive industries specifically. With figures like 1kg saved due to the composite lightweighting of an airplane saving 1 million USD in the lifetime of the plane, composite design optimization will save those companies who invest in proper technologies a lot of money long term. 

Before JEC, Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO summed up the event by saying “Incremental or disruptive innovation in composites makes the success of JEC World. The new paradigms of our century are lightness, resistance, flexibility, customization, cycles acceleration.” This set the tone of the kind of innovations those traveling to JEC World 2017 were expecting to see.

78% of this year’s attendees traveled internationally to get to JEC from 113 countries, welcoming more architects, creators, developers, designers, style engineers and trend-setters than ever before. In total the composites community was represented by almost 1300 exhibitors and 53 speakers, and over 40,000 visitors.SiemensPLMJECBooth1.jpg

The Siemens PLM booth showcased an end-to-end solution to optimizing composite design and manufacturing processes complete with live presentations around the future of transportation, autonomous vehicles, and composite aerostructures and the plm software solutions that are continuously improving to remain at the forefront of technology to help companies realize these future states before their competition.

Those visitors who spent some time in the booth also learned about the Siemens PLM patnership with the Renault Sport Formula One team and how they have been able to continue to push the limits of engineering with composites through their use of Fibersim.SiemensPLMJECBoothPresentation1.jpg

Other highlights at the show this year included the JEC innovation awards that were handed out to companies with the best composite breakthroughs based on their market potential, financial and environmental impact and originality.For the first time this year, JEC world also offered a startup program to help foster entrepreneurship within the market. New thermoplastic processes, epoxy’s, novel chemistries, and carbon fiber wheels also were out in full force in many other booths throughout the show.

The JEC World 2017 show once again reinforced the growing importance of composite materials and the impact they will continue to have across industries. Thinking about attending next year? JEC kicks off in Paris March 6, 2018.

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