ESC imminent

ESC imminent

Well, tomorrow is the big day. ESC San Jose 2012 [now part of DESIGN West] runs for 3 days and…

Not the Embedded Systems Conference

Not the Embedded Systems Conference

Next week, the Embedded Systems Conference will take place in San Jose, California. Except that it has a new name:…

What is the plural of Linux?

What is the plural of Linux?

Somebody asked me: “What is the plural of Linux?” Maybe it is Linuxes. That sounds a bit messy, which seems…

Dennis Ritchie and C for embedded

Dennis Ritchie and C for embedded

I was, of course, saddened to hear the recent news of the death of Steve Jobs. Since then, the Internet…

C libraries

C libraries

For a software developer, the idea of a library is quite simple: It is a file containing a [typically large]…

Web seminar

Web seminar

Just a quick “heads up”. If you are interested in the selection of an operating system for embedded applications [a…

Monolithic or not

Monolithic or not

All my working life, I have had a challenge with explaining to people what I actually do. It all starts…

On the move

On the move

I recently talked about the process that might be applied to the selection of an embedded operating system and I…

Choosing an embedded operating system

Choosing an embedded operating system

I was recently approached for help by a Mentor Graphics customer, who was planning a new project and needed to…