USB – real speed

USB – real speed

I recently wrote about the USB standards and how, with each generation, increased speed has become available. This provoked some…

The one line RTOS

The one line RTOS

I like simple things. Excessive complexity tends to annoy me. When I first started working with computers, I thought that…

C++ at fault

C++ at fault

I like being right. Who does not? I am also interested in programming languages. Part of their appeal is that,…

Embedded Linux – why?

Embedded Linux – why?

I have pondered before the appropriateness of Linux for embedded applications. My initial stance was clear enough: I could see…

USB – the need for speed

USB – the need for speed

I have commented before on “fashions” in the embedded software world and part of my job is to understand what…

Function parameters

Function parameters

When you use a function in C/C++ [or most other programming languages] you are likely to pass it some parameters…

Chinese embedded

Chinese embedded

I wrote previously about my interesting in writing and my fulfilled ambition to get a book published. My interest in…

Why write code?

Why write code?

I have a very basic question for you: what do you do and why do you do it? It is…

Electronics for the sick

Electronics for the sick

I have always for medical electronics interesting and I have blogged about it from time to time [here and here,…