Back to school

Back to school

Over the years I have travelled a lot. Maybe too much really, but that is just the nature of the…

Go Forth!

Go Forth!

I was writing recently about my fondness for RPN [Reverse Polish Notation] and this reminded me of a programming language,…

Up hill

Up hill

As anyone who knows me can attest, I am not a health freak. I am not careful with my diet…

The interview

The interview

A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by Sergio Prado in Brazil. He is a reader of this blog…

Starting a business

Starting a business

I have been very lucky. Since I graduated from university in 1979, I have always been employed. I changed jobs…

A busy season

A busy season

I am sure that it is the same in many areas of commerce. The summer vacation period draws to a…

Moving house

Moving house

It was more than 10 years ago that I last moved house. At the time I said “never again!”, but…

RTOS deployment

RTOS deployment

Since the earliest days of computers, they have been used for real time control applications. In the 1960s and early…

Element 13

Element 13

Differences between UK English and American English are always interesting to me. Often they are also confusing. Sometimes a completely…