Valor NPI at Electronica 2022

Valor NPI is pleased to be showcased at this year’s Electronica show from November 15th-18th in München, Germany. Located in the Siemens EDA booth within A3.558, The Valor team will be present to showcase Siemens digital prototype-driven verification methods, powered by the world’s leading DFM solutions, including offerings for Xpedition as well as other EDA workflows.
Representing one of the electronics industry’s premiere trade shows, Electronica is the perfect place to celebrate Siemens’ line of Design for Manufacturing solutions. Representing an amalgamation between design and manufacturing, Siemens EDA and Valor’s DFM solutions are right at home at Electronica, often already incorporated into much of the technology on display throughout the show.
Demo solutions featuring Valor NPI, PCBFlow, and Z-Planner Enterprise will be present, and knowledgeable staff will be on-hand to answer questions regarding all of Siemen’s DFM products, including Valor NPI, Z-Planner Enterprise, and PCBflow.
Join our booth and test your skills with our SparkFun paper circuit kit and compete to win one of our SparkFun Inventor kits. Everyone in our team is eager to engage at Electronica, and meet with all of you within our community once again. We look forward to seeing you there.
Don’t miss our booth A3.558!