
What’s new in Xpedition Enterprise release VX.2.12

The new VX.2.12 release of Xpedition has improvements across four key areas: design capture, layout, library and data management, and verification.

Design capture

Enhancements have been made to interconnect table (ICT) that Improve performance of the following operations performed against ICT block:

  • Push to ICT block
  • Import data into ICT
  • Synchronize design components placed on ICT with EDM Library
  • Support open detail view feature (open component details in EDM Collaborate) in ICT

Schematic array predictability improves focus handling when switching between schematic editor and the properties window.

There are improvements to the managed block update process that eliminate exceptional situations which may cause data inconsistency in target designs. Now you can detect inconsistencies between a managed block instance and its definition in the library and provide a clear explanation of errors detected by diagnostics in managed block instance.

EDM Integration provides a better user experience by preventing multiple logins and enhancements have been made to EDM collaborate that improve the review process by exposing a richer design data set.


New in layout we have added additional automation methods to help the user load physical reuse circuits from another design to a currently open design.

Differential pair routing quality is maintained while editing the placement of complex vias. Enhancements have been made that now enable designers to create custom tapered transitions for differential pair traces. And adjustments have been made to make tuning more predictable and user friendly. Users now can maintain the existing spacing distances on a set of traces when they’re moved.

Additional options are available for stitching via placement around high-speed signals, including the ability to place on only one side of a differential pair.

To improve MCAD collaboration, variants of a board assembly are defined and managed within a single project. This is important when changes impact the core design because these changes can then be applied, and all variants updated automatically. All components defined within a variant are included in baselines and proposals, including components not yet placed on the PCB. Variant location in Teamcenter is included in baselines and proposals when the design is Teamcenter-managed.

library and data management

Variant visualization improves the design review process by providing accurate visualization for symbol replacement use cases. When a symbol is replaced in schematic variant, EDM Collaborate view and compare are now able to properly visualize this change – symbol graphics, and location of properties are correctly displayed.

Another feature added is the support for opening the Find Chips search from a manufacturer part in EDM collaborate. When the designer opens the manufacturer part in EDM Collaborate there is a button available to open the Findchips search page. Findchips is a powerful search engine that aggregates and normalizes data from a wide range of sources in the electronic component market. Incoming data streams are processed and translated into a comprehensive view of a component’s market data. Providing access to real-time component sourcing knowledge at point of library management gives early confidence in component selection.

Design data exchange enhancements reduces data management overhead, enabling more productive time in design tools. This will also reduce vault size by eliminating excess versions.

Release and ECO enhancements have been made for multi-board support, better error handling, and sending the correct release status to PLM.

The EDM report engine was rewritten to use Elasticsearch as a source of data rather than EDM database directly which will impact performance of the report generation process with an expected decrease of time from hours to minutes.

Various improvements in server stability, scalability and performance have been made including 3rd party platform packages that help provide the top in class stability and security of EDM.

Design verification

Engine improvements (new tests) are available for the following:

  • DDVD – Diode derated reverse voltage exceeded on net
  • DDVE – Diode reverse voltage exceeded on net
  • MRCDV – Multiple pullup resistors connected to different voltages
  • PLBON – Power pin is connected to power out pin from the same refdes on the same net
  • VINBTW – Terminated voltage is between Vih and Vil of receiver

New features include detection of schematic changes, assignment of models as custom sources and loads, and Spice syntax checking on import. AMS has a new set of tutorials which can guide you through this new functionality.

Overall VX.2.12 delivers considerable value across Xpedition Enterprise. Download the release today.

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