
What’s New in PADS VX.2.5: Undocking Designs

Now in PADS Professional VX.2.5, when working with an external partner or service bureau for PCB layout support on a project you can simply un-dock the design. When the layout is returned form the service bureau simply re-docked it to the design database.

With a simple File > Undock, users can select a location to store the undocked project and save. They can also choose to save crossprobing data in this undocked version to create a copy of the schematic. This will create an undocked version of the design directory containing the PCB to be edited, a database of all connectivity and constraint data, a project file, a read-only copy of the schematic, and a log file. To redock, simply re-open the design and a popup window will request to redock the project with the master design.

Want to learn more about this feature and others in PADS Professional VX.2.5? Go to the What’s New page or download the latest update on Support Center.

Thanks for reading,


Shivani Joshi

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at