
Adopting a multidisciplinary approach to aerospace design

By Claire Cole

When aerospace design teams operate in silos, numerous problems arise. Lack of visibility, communication gaps, slow decision-making, delays and errors occur when mechanical, electrical and software design teams aren’t in sync. This puts programs at risk, reduces productivity and hampers innovation.

Digitally transforming product development to take a multidisciplinary approach is the way forward for aerospace and defense companies. All aspects of design need to be integrated in one place to enhance collaboration, leading to optimized designs that meet requirements.

In a recent webinar, Anthony Nicoli, global director for aerospace and defense, Thierry Olbrechts, director of aerospace and defense Simcenter solutions, and John O’Connor, director of aerospace product and market strategy at Siemens, discussed the importance of implementing a multidisciplinary design and optimization approach to aerospace design.

Aerospace design challenges

The complexity of aerospace and defense products today means that more and more design disciplines are involved in the product development process. The challenges facing aerospace and defense companies can’t be addressed by design teams working in silos. Watch the clip above for Nicoli’s overview of the key challenges companies are facing related to aerospace design.

Aircraft design optimization

What is the path forward for companies trying to manage aerospace design challenges? Taking a multidisciplinary approach to product development can help achieve optimized designs. In the clip above, Nicoli explains this approach and how it relies on a comprehensive digital twin.

Want to learn more about multidisciplinary design and optimization for aerospace and defense? Watch the full webinar recording.

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