Virtual AMEC Grand Opening

With the world in a holding pattern of social distancing and self-isolation due to the continuing COVID pandemic, the Siemens Additive Manufacturing Experience Center (AMEC) has gone digital.
The AMEC is a showcase of Siemens technology related to additive manufacturing and thousands of people experienced the AMEC first-hand last year. However, you now have the opportunity to experience the AMEC from afar, without traveling to Germany, from the comfort of your own home or office.
The experience is the same, but the delivery method is completely virtual. The team has created an exact “digital twin” of the physical AMEC where every station, every example, and every visual is replicated in full detail so that even though you may be thousands of miles away, you can still get the full AMEC experience.
The new Virtual AMEC grand opening was a great success and you can learn about the AMEC, watch a recording of the virtual grand opening, or schedule your own personal tour here: