What’s New in Learning Advantage – Introduction to PDM with Teamcenter and NX

Product Data Management, or PDM allows companies to take control of designs, documents, BOMs and processes to drive engineering efficiency, productivity and collaboration across all aspects of their business. Our new self-paced online Introduction to PDM course in Learning Advantage covers the basics and processes of Teamcenter in combination with NX. Parallel to the explanations, the learner can immediately apply and consolidate what s/he has learned in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the system, the basic elements and environments are explained, which are packaged in the form of a user scenario. The course proceeds chronologically from the beginning of the project through processing to finalization.
The course addresses readers with little or no experience in the use of EDM/PDM systems. It is intended to support self-study and encourage further study of the subject. Due to the structure of the text and the embedded videos, this course is very well suited as a step-by-step guide, an introductory curriculum, or a reference for daily work with the system. In addition to Teamcenter’s Rich Client, Active Workspace is also explained throughout.
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