
Solid Edge students win May & June Student Design competition!

By anna_g

Áron Juhász was a student from Beszédes József MMIK Secondary School in Serbia. He is now studying at the VTŠ Subotica – Szabadka.  He used Solid Edge in his spare time to design this incredible water pump.

Water pump.jpg

Áron was interested in the operations of the mechanical motors, especially the internal combustion engines since he was a kid. He always wondered about how they were designed and how he could transform them to be better.As part of his graduation thesis he decided to design a combusition engine. He wasn’t able to dissasemble a complete car engine but he just happened to have a water pump powered by an internal combustion engine gathering dust in his back yard, so he decided to use that as his inspiration!

Whilst designing the water pump he made use of the help tab in Solid Edge and used some of the many tutorials that are posted online about Solid Edge. He commented that in school ‘we didn’t learn the wire harness design and the welding environment by the curriculum, so the tutorial videos came in handy learning those new things’.

Áron estimates that he put in at least 200 hours of work in this project, taking into consideration the measuring, sketching & modelling. He found that some of his best ideas came either during lunch or when he went to bed at night…so maybe food and a nice bed are the answer to a winning design?!

We think it was more Áron’s creativeness and determination to design a sleek and well rendered image that earned him a winning place in the contest but whatever it was, we were very impressed!

Alex Lázár is a mechanical engineering student at the University of Debrecen. Prior to that he took a mechanical engineering course at Bánki Donát Műszaki Középiskola és Kollégiu where he learnt how to use Solid Edge.

solid verseny szerelés 77.jpg

Alex originally intended to build just the helmet that you see in the middle of the picture but then had the idea to build a mechancial/service station around the helmet. He said that ‘using Solid Edge was a great experience and made my work so much smoother and easier, especially the surface modeling option.’ When asked whether he would recommend Solid Edge to other students, he replied ‘in my opinion, the Solid Edge software is the best! I have not seen any software with such a complexity and the added key-shot option brought great possibilities to the field of visual design. I strongly recommend the Solid Edge software.’

A shining review indeed Smiley Happy

Solid Edge is available as a free student download or free high school download. You can learn about other academic products we have to offer here.

We’d like to say congratulations to both Áron & Alex. To view their images as well as other past winners of the Siemens PLM Software Design Contest in our gallery.

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