
Siemens academic program offers unique value!

By anna_g

It’s been a busy few months for the Siemens PLM Software Academic Program team, you’ve probably read on our community about our involvement with some of the student competitions out there like Greenpower, PACE, Formula Student & EcoCar, but that is not where all the work stops. Not at all, there are lots of local projects and competitions that either we or our colleagues work on and we want to make sure you are aware of everything we are doing to empower students to be real-world ready for a digital future.

Its always great to recieve positive feedback so when the managers of Penn Electric Racing (a Formula Student team) went out of their way to thank us for our support we felt we had to share the good news.

Staying in the U.S this time with Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Amy Mueller a clinical assistant professor has been working to integrate Teamcenter into her college’s product lifecycle management curriculum.

The unique thing about Teamcenter is that there is no one way to use it. It is used in different ways for different scenarios and problems, so, even as a professor, I am still learning,”

We totally agree Amy, read the full story.

Bijy from our academic team attended the Siemens PLM Regional User Group in St. Louis, here is an update on what happened.

Hopping across the globe to China, some recent graduates shared their thoughts on how important it is for academic institutes to be part of the Siemens PLM Academic Program and how taking part in the NX Certification that our Chinese team run helped them gain employment.

Now to Europe, where one of our German channel partners BCT Technology worked hard on a deal with 13 universities in Baden-Württemberg & 8 locations of the Duale Hoschschule Baden-Württemberg who agreed to teach using NX, Teamcenter, Tecnomatix. The universities made this decision as they can see the growing demand for highly technologically skilled future employees and that many leading manufacturing companies in Germany use Siemens PLM Software and want to bridge the gap being created by an ageing workforce. Here is the full article for you to digest.

Next door in France a fantastic new case studyhas recently been released, which talks about how a high school there Lycée Général et Technologique Léonce Vieljeux is getting its students Industry 4.0 ready, and how their students are using Mechatronics Concept Designer which is from our NX portfolio suite.

On to Italy where some Solid Edge studentswon the ‘big’ Siemens (Italy) Automation Olympiad competition with a solar powered “organic wheat optical sorter”. This amazing entry, designed in Solid Edge, automatically sorts grains of wheat from weed seeds. 

solar powered wheat sorter.jpgSolar powered “organic wheat optical sorter”

Don’t forget to enter our new LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim Student Competition by modeling and simulating the bike of the future and be in with a chance of winning an iPad, an iWatch or a Bose speaker (see the competition terms & conditions for full details). We can’t wait to see your entries!

Student Danny Quagraine from Loughborough University created this video for his project about using NX as a creativity tool.

Another competition that Siemens has been involved in with some of the student teams is Hyperloop. We caught up with one of the students from the University of Maryland who told us all about their involvement in the Hyperloop competition and how they are using NX to design their pods.

One of our own interns – Jack who worked as our communciations guy this summer wrote up this article about our Siemens PLM co-op program, based mainly in the U.S currently but hopefully it will expand around the world. These co-op programs are such a great way for students to gain real-world experience in thier chosen field and for them to have the opportunity for them to hone their skills when they graduate and enter the workplace.

Since Synchronous Technology was launched by Siemens in both our CAD packages NX & Solid Edge in 2009 it has proved over and over how benficial it is not only to our commercial customers but also to our academic community. Some recent research has proved that Synchronous Technology has made a positive impact on student learning.

We’ve also made some major software grants and some of our academic partners have been kind enough to tell the world about them:

United States Technical Education Center (USTEC)

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Central Florida & video

Clemson University

Now we want to hear from YOU! Please share your stories on how you are helping your students to gain digital skills with our software to become real-world ready. You can contact us at – we’ll be waiting! Smiley Happy

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at