
Secondary School student uses Solid Edge to design bike!

By anna_g

Ákos Hecskó is an engineering student at Beszédes József MMIK in Serbia. He entered his Solid Edge design of a bicycle into the Siemens PLM Software Student Design Competition & won in November 2014.


We caught up with Ákos to ask him about his design and here’s what he had to say:

What is your field of study?

I’m learning in a secondary school as an engineering technician.

Why did you choose this project/design – what gave you the idea?

I chose my bicycle to be my project, because I like riding bikes, and also I like taking apart and reassembling assemblies in real life. It was taken apart, so I modelled it. 

What challenges did you face during the design/build?

During the design I faced some challenges. First of all I was designing the bicycle frame in a technologically appropriate manner. I designed the frame from detached models and after the parts were modelled, I welded them. The second challenge was lacing the spokes. It wasn’t easy because I didn’t know how to lace the spokes neither in real life, nor in modelling environment. The biggest challenge in this project was creating an operational chain. I’d been searching on the internet for solutions and at the end I succeeded.

What features of Solid Edge did you use to develop your project?

To develop my project I used these features of Solid Edge beside the most common modelling features:

         Surface modelling for the frame of the bike 

         Welding environment to weld the frame elements to each other

         Adjustable parts

         Engineering reference for the sprockets

         Harness wizard for the Bowden cables

What lessons did you learn in process?

I’ve learned using the welding environment, because I had never used it before starting this project. I think I also stepped from the medium level to advanced level with using the surface modelling.

Would you recommend Solid Edge to another student? Why or why not?

I surely recommend Solid Edge for every student, because it’s very easy to use, but also it’s a very appropriate software to design big projects such as my bicycle was.

Congrats on winning the competition Ákos and we hope you are enjoying using your iPad Mini!

Ákos Hecskó.jpg

To view other winning entries, check out our gallery!

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