
What’s New in Learning Advantage – Systems with One Degree of Freedom Simcenter Amesim Tutorials

By Jennifer Bradford

img1.pngSystems with one DoF make possible to introduce the first important phenomenon occurring in mechanical vibratory systems: natural pulsation, eigen frequency, damping, and so on. Using two new free tutorials on Learning Advantage, plus the Free Simcenter Amesim Student Download, you can gain mastery over these fundamental concepts.

In the first of these tutorials, Free Response of a System with One Degree of Freedom, you’re give the basic introduction and theory, then you jump right into simulation, validation and practice using the supplied model files. This one hour tutorial includes a bibliography and a list of additional resources for follow up.


In the second tutorial, Response of a System with One Degree of Freedom, you’ll again have an introduction to the theory, as well as an opportunity to practice using model files. Using step-by-step instructions that include plenty of detailed screenshots, you’ll learn not only the theory and the “why”, but “how” to put it all into practice with Simcenter Amesim


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