Autonomous vehicles and future highways

Hundreds of automakers and startups around the globe are working on autonomous vehicles so these vehicles can eventually be mass produced. But what challenges do these companies need to overcome befo…

Virtual testing, validation of autonomous vehicle safety

Automakers around the world are looking to mass produce autonomous vehicles, but they must first conquer some big challenges before that mass production can happen.
I recently spoke with…

Autonomous vehicle technology will rely on software, sensors

Automakers around the globe are designing and testing autonomous vehicles. But what needs to happen before these vehicles hit the road in masses?

I recently had the pleasure of speaking wi…

Testing and perfecting driverless vehicle technology

The auto industry is fully invested in developing autonomous vehicles. Long-standing OEMs and brand new startups alike are developing and testing these cars to ensure their safety before the…

We won a Killer Content Award!

The digital twin is a major part of nearly every conversation we have with you on the Thought Leadership blog. We focus so much attention on the digital twin and the digital thread for a simple but i…

Top Thought Leadership topics of 2017

I’d like to take a moment to reflect on how much the Thought Leadership blog has grown since last year’s launch and to extend my thanks to you, our readers. Your continued support has helped the blog…

How will autonomous cars look as they hit the road?

As the editor-in-chief for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership blog, I enjoy learning about the work my colleagues do and the conversations they’re having in their respective industries.

I …

Announcing the new Digital Twin area

I’m pleased to announce a brand new area in the Siemens PLM Software Community for readers who want to learn more about the digital twin and the digital thread!

This Digital Twin area was …

How digital twin technology is increasing competition, innovation

The digital twin is giving companies the ability to enable a fully digital enterprise and get their products to market faster than their competitors.

I recently spoke with two colleagues a…