Thought Leadership

Electric vehicle range and consumer anxiety

By ToniB

Electric vehicle range anxiety is a big concern companies face as they try to sell electric cars to the public. When a more robust infrastructure is in place, consumers will feel confident in investing in an electric vehicle and driving it beyond fixed routes, such as to and from work.

We recently spoke with Dave Lauzun, vice president of transportation and automotive at Siemens PLM Software, about how electric car range anxiety has held people back, and how critical it is to have a reliable infrastructure in place.

Charging stations must be available where customers spend a lot of time, like shopping centers or home improvement stores. An infrastructure along the nation’s highways will also provide comfort for families taking long distance road trips.

“As soon as the total cost of ownership or the cents per mile really gets to the parity level with internal combustion vehicles, electric vehicles will really take off,” Dave said.

Once consumers start buying electric vehicles, Dave is confident they will love them.

“It’s fun, it’s enjoyable, it’s quiet,” he said. “The noise and vibration or harshness, or NVH, is better in an electric vehicle than in conventional vehicles.”

In this video, Dave talks how once companies can conquer electric vehicle range anxiety and, once they do so, why they are poised to succeed.

Click here to read more about electric vehicles.

About the author
Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company.

Antonette Boger

Toni Boger is the editor-in-chief of Digital Transformations, the Thought Leadership blog for Siemens PLM Software. As the content strategist for the Siemens PLM Thought Leadership program, she oversees the content creation, management, publication and promotion for all content in the program. She graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication and English. Prior to joining Siemens, Toni worked as an associate site editor for TechTarget, a technology media company.

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