
Capturing Your Voices – PLM Connection Evolution

Wow! Has it been 3 months already since we gathered together in the beautiful, and gigantic, Hyatt Regency Orlando for PLM Connection 2014 in Orlando? Seriously, if you guys have stats from your FitBit, Fuelband, or your trusty pedometer on how many steps you took and how many calories you burned roaming around the hotel during those 4 days, please share in the comment below, inquiring mind wants to know!

What a great conference, right? I had a great time meeting quite a few of you guys, presenting and attending a few sessions, and playing around with Active Workspace on an 80″ touch screen. I hope you guys gained a lot of knowledge and value from the conference.

I have watched this awesome 2.5 minutes recap video from this year’s PLM Connection more than 5 times today and I can’t get enough of it! It’s great to hear your feedback and voices.

For those of you who had the privilege to attend more than one PLM Connection conferences you probably noticed a huge leap that the PLM World board made to evolve PLM Connection this year, making it more dynamic and, most of all, providing more valuable information for you, our users, that you can immediately take and apply to your work after the conference.

One of the most important things that you can do at the conference is to provide us with your feedback through the conference and session surveys, and also by taking the time to get your badge scanned as you head into a session. We had a lot of great feedback from you this year, thank you!

In the past 3 months we’ve been going over your feedback and, believe it or not, a couple of weeks ago we met with some of the PLM World board members to kick-off PLM Connection 2015 planning already!

We take your feedback seriously to help point us in the right direction as we continue the evolution of PLM Connection in 2015. Our focus next year is to bring you more dynamic speakers, more sessions showcasing cross-portfolio use cases, more joint Siemens PLM and user sessions, and making sure that the content of all of these sessions are specifically targeted to the appropriate audience.

Oh, and one more thing, watch for those bite-sized, 20 minutes, Knowledge Theater sessions in the exhibit hall to make a comeback next year!

Ok, get those hat and boots ready, I hope to see your guys in Dallas next year for PLM Connection 2015!

Robert Hidajat

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