Demo Video Page

In this new video series from Siemens Digital Industry Software, you can see a bunch of demo videos that Danny randomly picked out of Video Manager and put images for entirely different videos because he couldn’t find the original random ones he picked. In any case, you’re able to load the video, the video poster (the image that appears before play is hit) and a thumbnail, along with a description. You can also alter the style a fair amount in the settings, but once everyone is happy with the style then it should probably be left as-is. The best image size for the preview is 689x592px, but I’m still looking into this feature.

We can also add more information here.

A sample of options we can do with this player:

  • Include subtitles
  • Have variable video quality (if it’s pulling from YouTube)
  • Put ads before, during, or after the video
  • Have popup ads over the video, if we really hated our customers
  • Annotate videos
  • Include 360 degree and VR videos
  • Have MP3 files that are visualized. You guys remember how iTunes used to do that? Neat.
  • Password protect a video, playlist, or part of a playlist
  • Play only if the user is logged in
  • Loop the video
  • Autoplay the next video
  • Add transcription files that can be toggled by the user

Some features are on this player like the ability to make the video full screen, so it’s at least a good example/start.