
Polarion integration with Questa Verification IQ software

Siemens has introduced Questa Verification IQ software to help logic verification teams overcome the challenges associated with the design complexity of sophisticated, next-generation integrated circuits (ICs)

  • Questa Verification IQ helps global engineering teams collaborate in real-time to accelerate the verification management process and provide real-time project visibility
  • Seamlessly integrates with industry-leading Polarion to deliver a platform that automatically captures all data from every engine run across the life of a project

Siemens Digital Industries Software today introduced Questa™ Verification IQ software. This groundbreaking solution helps logic verification teams overcome various challenges associated with the dramatic rise in the design complexity of sophisticated, next-generation integrated circuits (ICs). Team-based, cloud-enabled, data-driven, and powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Questa Verification IQ helps to accelerate verification closure, streamline traceability, optimize resources, and speed time-to-market.

Read the full press release here.

Questa Verification IQ in a nutshell

  • Questa Verification IQ employs predictive and prescriptive verification analytics to accelerate closure, accelerate debug turnaround time, and provide regression efficiency.
  • Questa Verification IQ is implemented in a web-based application framework providing scalable verification management.

Find out more on Quest Verification IQ here.


2 thoughts about “Polarion integration with Questa Verification IQ software
  • Questa Verification IQ helps global engineering teams collaborate in real time to accelerate the verification management process and provide real-time project visibility. The software integrates with Polarion to deliver a platform that automatically captures all data from every engine run across the life of a project, Siemens reports. The general-purpose, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language Python is particularly well-liked. After taking a Python Course, you’ll have reached a high degree of proficiency in the language, from which you can advance to the following levels and become a highly skilled software engineer.

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