
18. December: A gift from Santa’s little helpers: the Livepage Reuser

Of course, Santa uses many LiveReports, e.g. to check if we all have been good or bad. And of course he has many Polarion projects, like the “Slay electrification project”, the “Reindeer recrution project” etc., etc.

One day, he desperately said : “Gosh, I just improved this great LiveReport here. Very nice ! Do I now really have to copy this report over and over to all the other projects ?” His little helpers heared this sigh and said “Oh, poor Santa… lets go into our garage and build something to help him…”

Next day they returned and said “Look, Santa – we created for you the WOW ! , the ‘Widget of Widgets’. It lets you easily reuse a Livepage across many projects, and even more…”

Santa looked at it and said:

“Yes ! WOW ! … Bring it also to the people !… but only to the good ones … ”

– They ran and said “Of course, dear Santa! “

“…and hey – if it works out, don’t forget do put it on the Extension Portal!”

The ZIP archive contains the files needed and a PDF how to install and use it. Have fun!

Thank you very much to Heinz Dresbach! 

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at