Critical Design Feats Ahead for Connected Cars of the Future

Staying current with an industry transforming at rates never experienced before in its lifetime; like the automotive industry is undergoing right now is difficult. A connected car of the future including the technology, electronics, sensors, features and functionalities many companies are discussing seems impossible. The key to the success of those who will rise to the top during this time will be: better design.
Not better design on the physical exterior of the connected car, but more importantly a heightened focus on the interior and inner workings of how all of a future connected cars’ technology will fit together and integrate in an allotted space.
In this episode of the Next Generation Design podcast, Tom Spangler, Marketing Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software takes a deep dive into the automotive industry and discusses what it will entail to create and successfully deploy a safe connected car of the future.
Mounting regulations, autonomous technology, and electrification are just some of the topics automakers need to consider when developing their connected cars of the future, but cost restrictions are still leaving most of these ideas on the drawing board for some companies.
For example, autonomous technology. While there are around 50 citites worldwide that are allowing for autonomous testing on their roads, if news headlines are any indications, there are still A LOT more miles, and testing that needs to be done in order to win over the trust of the consumer.
How long will it be until a parent will trust an autonomous connected car to pick up their child from school without any human interference? The answer to this question is still unclear but Tom recently shared his opinions on the matter with us.

As product engineering tools continue to morph and expand at speeds human expertise may not be able to endure, Revolutionary design technologies that span beyond industry borders, will prove their necessity for companies looking to take over their markets in the future. What will the future of design technologies and machinery look like? What will your digitalization story be? Where engineering meets tomorrow.

As product engineering tools continue to morph and expand at speeds human expertise may not be able to endure, Revolutionary design technologies that span beyond industry borders, will prove their necessity for companies looking to take over their markets in the future. What will the future of design technologies and machinery look like? What will your digitalization story be? Where engineering meets tomorrow.