Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Custom IC Verification

Redefining High-Sigma Verification: Reflections on Presenting AI-Powered Methodologies at DAC 2024

This year, I had the privilege of presenting at the 2024 Design Automation Conference (DAC), which took place in San...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Shifting left for success in smart semiconductor manufacturing (Part 1 of 3)

Our first post in a three-part series on Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing begins with a shift left. Learn more about what...


E/E architecture evolution, part 2, trends to watch

Continuing from previous blogs on this topic I thought I’d cover the trends seen today, consolidating functions, centralizing into fewer...

Thought Leadership

Sustainability starts at design

Consumers’ lives and organizational processes are both becoming more digitized. Simultaneously, the semiconductor and electronics industries are poised to grow...

Siemens Software Podcast Network

Ep 8 – A Modular Approach to Defense Aircraft with Tristan Crawford Part 2

The Industry Forward podcast is back with the second part of our episode with Tristan Crawford, CEO and Founder of...


Empower quality improvement in the electronics industry

Join us for our upcoming webinar where we will discuss how Siemens Quality Management Software (QMS) and our manufacturing AI...

EDA Support Blogs

Optimizing DFT efficiency: Essential guidelines for SSN Bus Width and EDT channels

For an SSN design, only the SSN bus data in, SSN bus data out, SSN bus clock, and the TAP...

NX Design

Realize LIVE blog series: Feature Templates and logic rules with neoapps

At Realize LIVE 2024, Sebastian Merth from neoapps introduced a groundbreaking solution that integrates two powerful core technologies of NX™...

Insights Hub

The role of data in manufacturing

“If I only had known that…” Sound familiar? That phrase resonates deeply across industries, especially in manufacturing, where missed insights...