Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Embedded Software

MCAPI – lessons learned

Some weeks ago, I wrote a blog entry on MCAPI, which seemed to provoke some interest. Last week we ran...

Simulating the Real World

The art of modelling using CFD. Part VI - Peripheral Boundary Conditions

This final blog in this series focuses on what is sometimes the most ethereal of CFD modelling arts, where and...

Corporate Blog

Tap the Knowledge of Long-Time PLM Connection Attendees

Next week is our PLM Connection Americas event in Dallas, Texas. A number of us will be blogging live at the event so stay tuned for event coverage. Last year at the event, long-time atten...

Corporate Blog

Survey Results, PLM Connection, and Blogging

PLM Connection is coming up so I’ll be spending much of next week finalizing presentations and thinking about what to blog about.For those of you that can’t make it, send us a note on what you...

Verification Horizons

OVM/UVM @DAC: The Dog That Didn’t Bark

In the classic Sherlock Holmes story, “Silver Blaze,” Holmes realizes that the family dog didn’t bark when the suspect entered...

Embedded Software

Being a mentor

Before I start, just to clarify, I am using the word “mentor” above in its generic sense, nothing to do...

Corporate Blog

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks - #20 View, as printed

Fed up with wasting time plotting drawings and wasting paper because line thickness’s are wrong? Ever wanted to see how your drawing looks onscreen before printing. Find out how Solid Edge’  ‘vi...

Verification Horizons

DAC: Day 1; An Ode to an Old Friend

Denali Finale While I ponder the hundreds of partners I work with to support a vibrant ecosystem of ModelSim and...

Embedded Software

How did I get into this?

I often get emails from students asking me how to get started in a career in embedded software. I have...