
What’s New in Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics 8.1

Enhanced user experience and responsive framework

We are excited to announce the latest version of Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics (formerly Camstar Electronics Suite) has been released! Version 8.1 is now available.

The pressure to rapidly deliver a broad variety of high-quality products to market, along with the shift from mass production to mass customization, affects the ability of electronics companies to satisfy their customers’ needs while improving business performance. Using digitalization for modern manufacturing execution technologies helps printed circuit board (PCB) and box-build manufacturers to change and reconfigure production and quality processes at the speed required, while meeting increased customer demand, strict quality requirements and profit-ability constraints. They can contemporaneously realize faster time-to-market and improve their ability to compete in a rapidly changing, consumer-driven marketplace.

Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics software provides the foundation for many top-tier electronics manufacturers and product innovators that want to adopt smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 strategies. It expands a true digital thread from design and engineering into manufacturing operations, and supports the entire product lifecycle from managing production workflows and providing operator guidance, advanced electronic work instructions (EWIs) and quality inspection tools to complete traceability of operations and material.

The latest release delivers enhanced user experience and a responsive framework. Version 8.1 delivers the following capabilities:

  • Valor Process Prep work instructions
  • Support for multiple serial numbers per container
  • Identifying required recipe for a resource spec
  • Operational reporting
  • Configurable “require resource at move in” on a spec
  • Framework and UX enhancements

Already using the Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics? See what’s new in v 8.1.

If you haven’t done it yet, view these videos for a look at the innovations Siemens is introducing with version 8 and later of Siemens Opcenter Execution Core, which represents an evolution of the Camstar Enterprise Platform (including Camstar Medical Device, Electronics and Semiconductor solutions). Learn about:

  • Modern, intuitive user experience for all users – operators, supervisors, and inspectors
  • Responsive, adaptive framework to enable mobility and enhance security
  • Data utilization that affords new insights to improve quality and reduce time to market
  • Greater configurability and extensiblity

View the videos today:

Want to learn more? Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics (formerly Camstar Electronics Suite) is a comprehensive manufacturing execution system (MES) for electronic printed circuit board (PCB) and box build. It is designed specifically to help electronics manufacturers respond efficiently to frequent design modifications, short product lifecycles and increased product and production complexities, all while improving quality and reducing the cost of operations. Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics enables PCB and box assemblers to meet traceability requirements, control production, and integrate the shop floor into their product lifecycle management (PLM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Learn more about Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics.

Watch the webinar: Industry 4.0 and Electronics Manufacturing Trends

Alessandro Cereseto

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