
NEW VIDEO: Manufacturers Benefit from Cloud, IIoT Ecosystems for MOM

Cloud technology and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will greatly benefit manufacturers as they advance their production floors toward increased automation, connectivity between devices and processes, and generation of predictive-to-prescriptive insights. View this video for a look at how manufacturers might employ the cloud and IIoT on their digital journeys — in particular, as they implement Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) solutions.

Siemens has partnered with our manufacturing customers to capture operational data through IIoT from the shop floor, processing this captured data into true manufacturing intelligence that enables them to implement continuous improvement actions and gain control of their processes.

Recent studies have shown our manufacturing customers are being challenged most in trying to make sense out of the immense flood of data – be it Big Data, as data at rest with its data lakes, or fast data that requires immediate actions.

How can our manufacturing customers leverage this data so it becomes smart data and leads to the required insights and actions to improve their MOM processes?

We recommend using the “5C” integrated approach to realize actionable smart insights with smart data. Convert raw data from multiple sources to smart data, which unlocks its power as actionable intelligence:

  1. Collect data, using IIoT connections to devices and systems
  2. Contextualize — enrich the raw data with product, process and business context
  3. Comprehend — understand the multi-dimensional data with smart insights
  4. Coordinate — orchestrate actions across shop floor events
  5. Control — Enable closed-loop, actionable intelligence across MOM functions

The “5C” approach for MOM provides seamless device connectivity and advanced analysis and analytics. These are supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) capabilities available on the cloud.

Additionally, rapid, low code application development platforms and tools empower non-IT manufacturing team members to perform the Coordinate and Control aspects on their particular processes. These capabilities combined fuel the leap forward to true digital factory operations.

View the video today

Alessandro Cereseto

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at