Watch the newest tech tips videos about NX CAM software

Are you curious about what’s new in the latest version of NX CAM (January 2019)? Watch the series of “tech tip” videos to learn how the capabilities will help you gain productivity and improve part quality.
Read about all the new capabilities in NX for manufacturing here.
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The CAM Ribbon is simplified, with larger pictures used for important functionality.
In the simple Play mode, Pick on Path now displays the current status of the IPW.
Tool paths may now be investigated layer by layer for Operation types that cut by level.
The Motion Output Type option is now available in the Ribbon Bar.
Variable Guiding Curves operations now detect and analyze gouges.
In Adaptive Milling, Bottom Up Cutting now controls stock removal between cut levels.
Easily create cycle-based Generic Motion operations that can be templatized for reuse.
Multiple enhancements allow further definition of holders for standard turning tools.
NX now supports material removal, collision check, and gouge check for multi-tools during Machine Code Based machine tool simulation.
Custom Feed and Speed parameters for closed area engages can now be specicied in Cavity Mill, Rest Milling, Corner Rough, Floor and Wall, and Planar Mill operations.
Multiple operations can now be combined into a single operation containing a single merged tool path.
Coolant options can now be specified separately for Open and Closed Areas in Planar, Cavity, Floor and Wall, and Adaptive Mill Operations.
When performing Machine Code Based Simulation, collisions and gouges now highlight when you stop the simulation and drag the machine tool axis sliders or type in values.
Tube Roughing and Tube Finishing operations can now create the central curve automatically based on the specified Cut Area.
New customizable Cut Levels items are now available for Cavity Mill, Zlevel Mill, Variable Axis Zlevel Mill, and Plunge Mill operation dialog boxes that allows you to flatten the dialog box structure.