
NX Assemblies: Updates to save time and increase performance

With this latest release of NX Assemblies, you can expect new enhancements to increase performance of our application. Expect time savings for you as well.

Simplify Assembly

The “Simplify Assembly” command (which was introduced in our December 2020 update) has been improved by several customer requested enhancements. The process for simplifying assemblies is made easy.

What’s new?

•Selection Intent supported in face & body selection
•Support for holes with blended bottom
•Users can ‘abort’ the simplification solve
•Improved blend removal, internal body removal & error reporting •Support for convergent bodies & convergent with mixed geometry

Please see below for a demonstration.

Simplified Assembly Demonstration

New! Assemble Command

With the latest update to your software you will find an all new command. The new Assemble command allows drag-and-drop assembly creation and editing ability. Assemble command is focused on allowing users to easily perform the most common assembly creation and edit workflows with the least amount of effort.

What’s new?

•Direct component manipulation with mouse
•Constraints created as part of drag-and-drop
•Object to action constraint creation supported
•Automatic in view scattering of components

Please watch below for a demonstration.

Assemble Command Demonstration

Multi-User Design supports collaboration with unloaded parts

Users can save time by only loading parts they are working on but can be notified about changes in any parts they are interested in.

The enhancements here expand on the capabilities of multi-user design introduced in December 2020 update. The enhancement is to allow users to be notified about changes to unloaded parts.

What’s new?
•Ability to subscribe to unloaded parts – receive check-in, check-out and save notifications
•Explicitly subscribed part will be followed even after they are closed
•Users have the option to load parts from the notification
•Notification Center supports multiple card arrangement options

Please watch below for a demonstration.

Thank you for taking a look at the recent NX Assemblies enhancements in this latest release of NX. Follow our blog for more updates in other areas in the coming weeks

William Chanatry


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