
How To Get Started Migrating to NX

If you have been following our Migration Mondays posts then you may be thinking … how do I get started migrating my legacy data to NX? Well, we have a tried and true process to help get you started and moving forward at your own pace. This process serves as a valuable aid in getting a handle on the amount and types of data involved and setting realistic expectations on results and the time and resources required. This process will ultimately result in a migration plan that will guide your production migration.

The first step would be to submit a small sample of relevant data to GTAC. The migration team will run the data through the migration process and the results will be presented to the customer. These results will include the converted NX parts (with features), assemblies and drawings and all of the related reports and validation.

This will help demonstrate the general capabilities of Content Migration Manager and the migration process.

The next step is an initial audit that will include an on-site evaluation of all, or a large representative sample, of the data. This audit of SourceCAD data includes part feature, assembly and drawing analyses. The audit Identifies part feature and drawing entity usage and compares to customer base averages and then performs a statistical analysis to predict migration results.

This will help to set realistic expectations of migration effort and expected results.

The final step is to train the customer migration team (in detail, using customer data) on setting up the environment, selecting options for migration, evaluating results and making any necessary repairs.

The audit results and training will give the customer the necessary knowledge to develop a detailed migration plan and begin to test migration scenarios that will drive the eventual production migration. This will aid in setting requirements for the necessary hardware and software environment and a realistic schedule for migration and repair effort.

The key to a successful migration is to have a plan, a team responsible for carrying out the plan and an ability to measure progress against the plan. To get the migration to NX process started please contact your SPLM representative who will help coordinate the necessary steps.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at