Announcement: Introducing Value Based Licensing

Value Based Licensing (Token licensing) will apply to many of our add-on modules that are purchased to expand the capabilities of the NX Mach core seats. Once again, NX will be the first major CAD vendor to introduce this purchasing option. This will allow you to gain greater flexibility regarding your purchasing options, as well as a new ways to deploy NX.
With over 50 different add-on products available, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for.
Here’s how it will work:
Don’t have time to watch the video? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how it works:
- ) Tokens that have been purchased by a user become part of a token license pool.
- ) Each application in the token pool consumes a defined number of tokens when in use.
- ) The total number of applications that can be checked out on top of the Base Application is limited by the number of tokens that the user has available.
- ) When the user exits NX, the token amount is released again, so that people can start-up other software options. Token licensing can be combined and mixed with the traditional feature-based licensing schemes. Third-party products will not be available under the token licensing scheme.
- ) A user must have purchased pre-requisite base seat license(s) on top of which the tokens can be enabled.
- Token licensing does NOT require Teamcenter or any other application beyond the basic license referred to here in order to function
- Token licensing does NOT require Teamcenter or any other application beyond the basic license referred to here in order to function
- ) If this is used with any other licensing, then the licensing system will use “non-token” licenses first before using tokens. The idea is to always maintain as many tokens as possible in the available pool
- ) Based on the number of tokens purchased, people will be able to activate a number of software options.
- The system will allow any token enabled license to be used if there are sufficient tokens available.
- Then the user exits the application, the tokens are returned to the pool.
- The system will allow any token enabled license to be used if there are sufficient tokens available.
Please note that the token system can only be used if a user has purchased base seat license(s) which include the floating NX Mach 1 license and above, or the Automotive bundles.
The following are NOT valid base seats for tokens:
- Mach Designer
- Mach Advantage
- Mach 1 Node Locked
- Gateway or UG Based Bundles
Tokens are packaged into what we call value packs: Currently, we are offering two value packs. NX35100 – NX Value Based licensing 100 pack NX35050 – NX Value Based licensing 50 pack
We’re excited to introduce this new purchasing method and look forward to seeing our community explore this option.
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I can’t play the movie. The link sends me to the main page.
A pitty they didn’t reply yet.
Try this link instead.
A pitty they didn’t reply yet.
Try this link instead.