
You’re Hired – Engineering Apprenticeships Develop Future Engineers

Meet Tom Lockwood, a student engineer turned real-life engineer through AESSEAL‘s pioneering apprentice program. Young engineers like Tom in industry-academic programs like AESSEAL’s help close the current skills gap in the global engineering workforce.

AESSEAL uses Solid Edge to manufacture mechanical seals. In a program called “Get the Edge”, the company has partnered with local schools to educate young engineers in Solid Edge and seal manufacturing. You can hear more about it from Tom and Chris Newton in this video interview:  

Read more about the program in this new case study on AESSEAL. The intro highlights Tom’s story:
The notice board at AESSEAL’s headquarters in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England is full of thank you letters from students who have visited the company to experience engineering in action. Among the photographs of young enthusiasts is a picture of Tom Lockwood. Taken on as an apprentice at 16, he was leading a business unit with a turnover of £4.2 million and managing several members of staff by the age of 21.

Results of the engineering apprentice program include:

  • Students gain real-world engineering and technology experience and early engagement in rewarding careers

  • Local communities are enhanced by a strong, goal-oriented relationship between business and academics

  • A company acquires day-one productive employees whose software skills, practical engineering knowledge and project understanding far exceeds that of graduates of traditional engineering educational programs.

If you’re interested in a career in seal manufacturing, check out AESSEAL’s Journey of a Seal video:

If you’re interested in setting up similar industry-academic partnerships like this, let me know.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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