Teamcenter Systems Engineering DoDAF Templates

Teamcenter Systems Engineering DoDAF Templates

Getting in on the tail end of this session presented by Scott Kufro of Siemens Government Services, provided to be somewhat confusing but from what I could see it was a well attended session. I tried…

Do you JT Open?

Do you JT Open?

JT Open is the single part of the PLM offering that is not a software part. A SDK is included for developers, however the program is just that… a program. It is a system of data exchange principles…

Customer Support:  Transforming the Process of Innovation

Customer Support:  Transforming the Process of Innovation

Sitting here next to the booth at customer support, hoping my laptop battery could spontaneously fill itself with juice, and looking over I noticed they appeared to be concentrating very hard on thei…

Seagate:  A Look At Fast Engineering Changes and BOM Mangagement

Seagate:  A Look At Fast Engineering Changes and BOM Mangagement

Elaine Pregent and Dr. John Zhang discuss the issues of using PLM in a company that is a global manufacturer and how small changes can be effected. Seagate has manufacturing facilities around the wor…

If You See One of Us…

If You See One of Us…

If you see folks standing at tables and typing on their laptops, playing with cameras or sending messages from their Blackberries or iPhones, chances are you’re seeing one of the many bloggers here c…

Project Management and Experience:  The Wedding

Project Management and Experience:  The Wedding

Mark Pendergast from Delphi Corporation is discussing his experience in project management in a PLM project called Project Management and Experience A Perfect Marriage For PLM Deployment. This presen…



Following along in the Medical Device compliance stream, the FDA is planning a new revision of 21 CFR Part 11, which is a regulation governing electronic signatures and records. It’s my understanding…

Lessons in developing the JSF: sometimes bringing together physical and digital doesn’t always turn

Lessons in developing the JSF: sometimes bringing together physical and digital doesn’t always turn

The opening presentation was a really good continuation of the first days theme on integrating the virtual and the physical. Paul Bevilaqua from Lockheed Martin talked about the development of the Jo…

Compliance for Medical Devices

Compliance for Medical Devices

Medical devices are a fairly new market for the Siemens PLM software. I had the opportunity to talk to an Siemens PLM conference attendee from Johnson & Johnson last night while being tortured by…