
NX Hints and Tips – Rapid Sketches WITH Keyboard Shortcuts

Last week, I highlighted a video showing how to rapidly create sketches.This time, we’ll use a number of NX shortcuts.

As you can see, by adding the shortcuts you can be much more productive.

Some of the shortcuts mentioned in the video are:

  • To create a new part file, press Ctrl N.

  • To hide the WCS, press the W key.

  • To switch to the isometric view, press the End key.

  • To switch to the nearest orthographic view, press F8.

  • To create a sketch and start the Profile command, press Z.

  • To start the Constraints command, press C.

  • To start the Dimensions command, press D.

  • To start the Arc command, press A.

  • To exit the sketch, press Ctrl Q.

  • To display the Insert menu, press Alt S.

  • To display the Design Feature menu, press E.

  • And to start the Revolve command, press R.

  • To create a sketch and start the Profile command, press Z.

That wraps up my NX8.0 video series.For more information on other help topics, please check the NX Technical Documentation.It’s a great resource for NX users.

Remember, all the NX8 Hints and Tips video’s can be found here.

Coming up next, we’ll take a preview look at NX8.5.Stay tuned.

Jerry Sarfati

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at